There is often overlap between areas, but it’s hard to find someone who is genuinely excellent at everything. When you look at how quickly the digital landscape is growing and evolving, it creates space (and a need) for people to specialise. This has been happening with content roles for a while.

But how do you know who you need? It’s one thing to know you need a content expert, but an expert in what? If you try to create hybrid roles, it can result in even more job titles being created which confuses the market. And if you recruit one type of content specialist when actually you need another, you may end up finding skill-gaps in your team. The same goes when appointing an agency.

To help ease some of the confusion around content roles, I’ve created a quick quiz. It’s just a guide – of course, it can’t account for every possible scenario. But it should give you a general indication of what kind of content expert you need. Enjoy!

Which content expert do you need?

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