Grab of a screen showing rows of video thumbnails. Each image has the name of a speaker, talk title, photo of them on stage and the Leading Design /Clearleft logos.
A snapshot of our extensive library of curated talks

Leading Design On Demand is our new service that gives you exclusive access to talks from the last 6 years worth of our conferences. Subscribers get to watch conference archives and carefully curated playlists with 140+ talks by the world’s top design leaders from companies like Google, Adobe Dropbox, and Netflix as well as thought-leaders and coaches who have literally written the book on design leadership. This is a simple way to get all the knowledge and guidance you need to navigate the world of leading design.

In these honest and vulnerable videos design leaders share the mistakes they made (so that you don’t have to make them too) as well as the lessons they’ve learnt along the way.

You will see that you are not alone in the challenges that you face. In fact the majority of the challenges that design leaders face are universal. Through the videos collection you will see commonality and realise that you are not alone.

Most importantly this will give you confidence in your leadership.

We’re delighted to be able to offer a subscription to the platform for the special price of $395 (the same price as a video access ticket to a single event).

Take a look here for more information and to subscribe

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