We’ve had a very exciting week at Clearleft waiting for the arrival of Ben W and Cloud's second baby. We were all thrilled this morning to hear that their little girl was born last night and that they are all doing well. So congratulations to the White family from us all.
Myself and Charlotte were particularly lucky as we won the babies birth date and weight sweepstake. Charlotte will be donating her winnings to Scope which she is currently fundraising for by training to run the Brighton half marathon next month. If you feel like supporting her efforts you can do so here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/lottejackson
Andy B, Anna C, Boxman, and Jeremy hosted a ‘Going Responsive’ roundtable with a number of well know brands at the Hospital club in London yesterday. They discussed the range of challenges being faced, before offering up solutions as a group. It went very well and folks had a really good time, so the next one (on a different topic) in planned for early spring. If you or your organisation would like to come along to the next round table, drop Anna an email.
Jess and Clare hosted another great Agile Swap Shop on role mapping in projects here at 68 Middle Street. The Swap Shops are regular and free to attend, the next one ‘How does Design fit into an Agile Process’ is on 26th January.
Clare has also been doing lots of in-depth interviews and group sessions with prospective students along with Ben S as part of our project with Southampton Solent University; and Anna A is helping with the user testing. Clare also purchased a new mug for work, which she is particularly happy with, she seems to be drinking a lot of tea as a result.

Ellen, Jess and Rich have been progressing work with an educational charity. This week's milestone was a brand strategy workshop and a meeting with the Big Boss (she’s very nice actually).
Kate has been working away on UX London and has been very excited to see ticket sales zipping along. Anna A is organising Ladies that UX Brighton which will be at 68 Middle Street in March as part of Spring Forward. Sign up for free tickets should be on Eventbrite soon.
Anna A has also been working or re-organising the company wiki and helping me with events here at 68 Middle Street. This week we’ve had the Towner Gallery, Story Stream and Rittman Mead using the meeting room and event spaces.
Jeremy has been well….Jeremy…..