- Viewpoint
Just a week to go until dConstruct! It's all hands on deck in the office to get the last minute preparations sorted in time for the event. If you haven't had a chance to check out our speakers, then it's worth taking a look at the dConstruct podcasts - Carla Diana, Ingrid Burrington, Josh Clark, Chris Noessel, Brian David and John Willshire which Jeremy has been busy for the last few weeks producing.
Events have definitely been the theme of the week - we hosted the launch party of the Brighton Digital Festival, and Andy Budd has been out and about at events including The Loooooong Progress Bar, Ribot, and BUG while James Box was seen enjoying Lean UX and coffees at the Happy Startup School, and a whole host of people have been off to Dots today - including Jon, Jess and Rich.
It's also been a pretty momentous week in that we've just finished up on our work for Penguin - so congratulations to everyone who worked so hard on the different sub projects - the roll call seems to include most of the office - including James Bates, Andy Parker, Mark Perkins, Graham White, Jon Aizlewood, Ben Sauer, Ben White, Andy Thornton, Dean, Charlotte and Ellen. See, a big project.
Our lovely interns, Monika, Chloe and Chris have now got into the pace of their project and have been busy interviewing, brainstorming, and generating a lot of ideas. We're looking forward to the selection process next week to work out which idea to progress. John has been working with Andy P to further develop our UX training workshop ideas, and also working on getting Silverback ready for testing.
Speaking of testing, we have been testing out some new concepts to make project planning a bit more interesting, with James Box. Is it possible to gameify planning? Well, checklists are not many people's favourite activity (unless you're a project manager), so it will interesting to observe how the experiment pans out.
Finally, on a social note. Typical that the weekend we decide to host an BBQ for family and friends, the weather suddenly turns noticeably baltic. What is with the sudden arrival of autumn? We are still looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and will no doubt have a lovely time drinking Beerleft on the terrace, umbrellas or not.
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