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August has continued at pace and all of the team have been busy with lots of different projects, including the final preparations for DConstruct, working on ideas and preparing for new projects. Here's a run down of what we've been up to:
Andy, Kate and Jeremy have been working flat out on DConstruct and he final speaker has just been announced, which you can read about in more detail here: Final dConstruct speaker announced!
Andy P has been working John E to research their training workshop ideas and they have both been developing 'hero' user personas to help bring our potential users to life, looking at methods to determine the User Experience Maturity of teams. Andy has also speaking with a start-up in its early stages and how we can help.
Anna has been very busy with talking to clients and also went to the market services event for the imminent new digital services framework (DS3) for GDS.
Charlotte and Jeremy have been busy with extra-curricular activities and Charlotte was mentoring at CodeBar, (a meet up for underrepresented groups to learn web development).
Brewing of all different kinds seems to have been a big theme, as not only did Charlotte and Jeremy host the HomeBrew Website club on Wednesday, Ben W also managed to get the latest beerleft brew label to the printers - being bottled as we speak!
Andy has continued to work with out interns on developing their ideas - which are quickly decorating the office in a festival of post-its. Speaking of festivals, Rich was working on the Brighton Digital Festival steering group ahead of the event.
Everyone else seems to have been on holiday in Spain, enjoying a well earned rest!
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