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Patterns Day is a one-day event focused on design systems. It’s for designers, developers, project managers, writers, and anyone else who’s working with design systems, pattern libraries, style guides, and components. Tickets are on sale now!
Once again, Patterns Day will be in the magnificent Duke of York’s cinema in Brighton, with its historic charm and dangerously comfortable seats.
The first Patterns Day was all the way back in 2017. Then we had the second Patterns Day in 2019. You can watch videos of the talks from both years.
We all know what happened after 2019. Nothing like a global pandemic to stop an event in its tracks.
Now, finally, Patterns Day is returning in 2024.
After all this time, is there still a need for an event focused on design systems?
In my opinion, the answer is “more than ever!”
When Clearleft first ran Patterns Day, we had been doing design systems work for a while, but other organisations were only at the start of their journey. Many of the attendees were from companies that were dabbling in design systems, or planned to put a design system together.
That situation has changed. Now most organisations either have at least some experience with design systems. Many companies have got design systems up and running.
But the challenges haven’t gone away. They’ve just changed. You might no longer need to convince anyone that a design system is a good idea, but you might well be struggling to convince people to use the design system you’ve got.
It can be lonely work. That’s why Patterns Day is so vital. It’s a chance to get together with other people going through the same struggles. You’ll have an opportunity to learn from their successes and failures. Most of all, you’ll have the reassurance that you are not alone.
I know that makes it sound more like therapy than a conference, but honestly, that’s where the true value lies.
We’ve already got some fantastic speakers lined up, but there are just as many still to come!
Can you tell that I’m very excited about this?
It would be lovely to see there. Tickets will cost £255, but you can secure your place now at the super early bird price of just £195. Dither ye not!
Can’t wait to see you in Brighton on March 7th—it’s going to be a day to remember!
This was originally posted on my own site.
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