- Viewpoint
The cost of change
I’m sure anyone who has ever had to call a tradesman into their home may well recognise that pre-quote sinking feeling - often accompanied with a lengthy inhalation and pained ’sympathetic’ expression.
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I’m sure anyone who has ever had to call a tradesman into their home may well recognise that pre-quote sinking feeling - often accompanied with a lengthy inhalation and pained ’sympathetic’ expression.
The line-up is now complete.
Whether you’re new to Clearleft, to UX London, or both, (or neither), here's a timely insight into the proceedings as we hurtle towards the end of May and our ninth UX London conference.
A few days in Gridlandia.
I love typography - there, I said it. Although whilst I can’t confess to being a true type nerd (mentioning no names Rich Rutter), I am happy to spend plenty of time geeking out over x-heights, ligatures, weights and a whole host of other tiny details to find the ‘perfect’ typeface.
Striding along a narrow footpath that slices up the side of a steep Lakeland fell, you pause to admire the majestic view – “is that Bow Fell in the background? How much further until I start heading for the tarn?” you muse.
A design exercise for the Clearleft UI designers.
A one-day event in Brighton dedicated to design systems, pattern libraries, and style guides.
CSS Grid Layout is so hot right now.
Our pledge to remove barriers for working mums.
I’d just bought a new camera when I joined Clearleft in September 2016. It wasn’t long before I was putting it to good use, shooting team portraits for the company’s new website.
Accountability. What does it really mean? And why is it important, anyway? Questions, questions... and hopefully a few answers.
The lows are low, but the highs are high.
Just what is it that I do, anyway?
Last week, we did some laundry. Some clearleft.com laundry, to be precise. It was a two hour cycle.
But AMP doesn't trust us.