- Viewpoint
Putting on a conference
Organising Patterns Day.
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Organising Patterns Day.
The story of how we created a healthcare app, at no cost to the NHS, by using the power of web technologies, some design nous, a little critical thinking, and a good dose of enthusiasm.
We’re huge fans of design sprints - they can be of great value to both agency and client. That being said, as any tool gains popularity, it opens itself up to abuse. Or as the saying goes, “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” So I wanted to take a quick step back, to look at what design sprints are good for, and where they fall down.
The first video is online for your enjoyment.
If you haven't been a guest of ours yet, you should note that we have a fantastic office with a large communal courtyard. We invited the talented graffiti artists Gary Stranger and Pref ID over to add some colour into our home.
I’m all for design systems. They reduce time, save on costs and promote modular, systems-based thinking. But I’ve noticed a growing bias towards design systems focusing on the components first. This suggests they’re designed components-first. They’re not. Nor should they be.
Have you ever started filling out an form online, only to abandon the process halfway through? If so you wouldn’t be alone. This post explains a simple technique for getting more people to complete your forms and provide the information you require.
Thoughts on how and where personalisation works for people - in the analogue past, the screen-based present, and, well, what kind of future?
Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, affects more people than you’d think, including me. To try and face some of these fears head on, I recently attended a day-long workshop ran by our stand-in project manager Matthew Matheson. Here’s what I learned.
The UX London team were excited to work on a brand new design challenge this year - that of the stage set.
Just look at that line-up!
We couldn't run UX London without our fantastic volunteers. Here, two of this year's crew write about their experience with us...
Collaborating on a pattern library.
A couple of weeks ago we welcomed a new UX Intern into the fold at Clearleft HQ - the brilliant Sebastien Chung. Needless to say, Seb has jumped in head first with energy and enthusiasm...
A framework for choosing your web toolkit.
The only way left to get hold of tickets for the event.