In March 1989, while working at CERN, Sir Tim Berners-Lee wrote his first proposal for an internet-based hypertext system to link and access information across different computers. His proposal became the World Wide Web. CERN is celebrating the 30th anniversary of this revolutionary invention with a special event today, and a series of other celebrations around the world.

The Web@30 event at CERN kicked off this morning with a fascinating panel discussion featuring Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau and other Web pioneers sharing their views on the challenges and opportunities brought by the Web.

The live audience in Geneva comprised a select group of invitees, which we’re very proud to say included one of Clearleft’s cofounders, Jeremy Keith.

As part of a project to preserve some of the digital assets associated with the birth of the Web, Jeremy worked on a project in February to recreate the very first browser using current technology.

Previously, Jeremy also worked with CERN to organise a project to recreate the line-mode Web browser.

On being invited to CERN to join the celebrations, Jeremy wrote:

I’m so excited about this! I’m such a nerd for web history, it’s going to be like Christmas for me. The whole thing will be over by mid-morning. Then, [team member and fellow Brightonian] Remy and I will take an afternoon flight back to England …just in time for the evening event at London’s Science Museum.

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