With our extensive experience of designing and delivering events specifically to meet the need of design leaders, these events provide a unique experience for design leaders to receive bespoke coaching, led by Julia Whitney.
We are so proud to be able to run these events, but don’t just take our work for how good they are. Here are some things that previous attendees have to say about them.
No words can really describe experiences like this. As leaders, we often spend our time and energy helping others but Leading Design gave us space to focus on ourselves and embrace who we are individually and each other. It’s been amazing and I'm so grateful I get to walk away feeling inspired, and with 17 new friendships.
When I booked in for the retread I knew it would be special but I was unprepared for the deep connections I would feel towards the women who shared this experience with me. We will be friends. We have a community I will reach out to for wisdom and joy for years to come. I am going back to my real life with renewed connection and confidence in myself as well. This was a mic drop moment in my life.
If you are looking to renew your perspective on design leadership, this is the retreat for you. Curated with care and intention, the amazing team at Clearleft have made something beautiful together. Thank you for the learnings, passion and love.
Thanks for providing and creating such a safe space that allowed us to bring our authentic selves and share our vulnerabilities and stories. Hearts are full and friendships made!
I will cherish this time for life. Thank you for helping me find me.

Attendance to the retreats is by application, and the spaces for September 2023 are strictly limited.
Full information and applications can be found on the Leading Design website.