We’ve been ducking the winter chills here in Clearleft towers this week.
For those that have made it into the office, we’ve been hosting an exhibition as part of the Brighton Photo Fringe: as part of our Miniclick residency, we've hosted Jason Evan's interactive performance based talk, the final week of Tom Pullens accessible exhibition "Because I can Not See" and tomorrow we have the set up of the new exhibition from ABC photographer Louis Porter with his “Anatomy of Business” body of work.
Our planning for UX London is stepping up a gear and Mikey, Kate and Andy B have been working variously on the website and programme which we hope to announce in the next month. We’re very excited.
Danielle who has joined us for 6 weeks, and Ant are working on implementation of our Pathways project for the Wellcome Trust.
Ben White has been working on the next iteration of Silverback (coming soon!).
Our team working with the BBC (Rich, James Box and Mikey) have been cracking on with stakeholder interviews and starting to form a communication strategy. It’s a really interesting project that we are glad to be a part of.
Jess was project managing the team working on our big project for a Nordic bank, as well as moving house, so was rather busy.
Sophie was preparing for our strategy away day in November, and some other staff training we have coming up. She even got up to London for a Smart Salon event.
Jeremy came back from the States, where he was speaking at the Artifact conference in Providence, and attending Brooklyn Beta in, you guessed it, Brooklyn.
In between, he was hacking at the brilliant Science Hack Day in San Francisco, where he built a little thing to figure out which asteroid you'd need to hollow out to comfortably hold your social network.
Here's Clearleft's asteroid: http://habitasteroids.adactio.com/clearleft
This week Jeremy is off again - to Nürnberg, Germany, speaking at Border:None.
We’ve a few other talks coming up too: Ben Sauer was writing his UX Brighton talk. Making philosophy easy is HARD.
And Andy P has been preparing his talk for ContentMarketingShow in November.
Happy times!