But that's not all there is to look forward to! We'll be returning to Trinity Laban - a RIBA Award-winning arts complex (designed by the folk behind the Turbine Hall and Beijing Stadium, no less), which is certainly a perfect setting for three days of design inspiration!

We're again offering day passes as well as tickets for the whole event. And the gang from KERB Food will be returning, to provide a festival vibe to the event with a variety of delicious street foods (just writing this is making me thinking of their lip-smacking macaroni and cheese...).

So make a note in your diary: UX London 2014 will take place from May 28th-30th. Tickets are now available , and are zipping speedily out the door - Early Bird rate 3 Day passes have already sold out! So if you'd like to join us, be quick and nab your ticket now!