Everyone was back to work this week having had a great break over Christmas and the New Year.
A lot of us had been in Brighton for the festivities, and seemed to have had a great time. Kate had ventured further afield visiting family in Toronto; and Jeremy had done the same in Seattle. Although he seems to have spent most of Christmas and the past week either watching The Force Awakens or thinking about watching The Force Awakens: https://adactio.com/journal/10067
And he wasn’t the only one. The Force Awakens seems to have been nearly everyone’s Christmas highlight.
We all got together on Wednesday for a New Years kick of meeting, where Andy B outlined our plans for the next few months and introduced the OKR’s - Objectives and Key Results that we’re all going to start using. Jess M bought us up to speed with her marketing plans; Ellen presented all the work she has being doing on our company values and communication and James Bates showed us the work he and the other designers have been working on with the company logo and branding.
The office Christmas tree was taken off to be recycled and we all started to get back in to the swing of things work wise.
Rich and Ellen continue to immerse themselves in a charity whose aim is to radically increase educational opportunities around the world. This week was all about running proto-personas workshops, one of which was done remotely with a team in the US - normally very difficult to achieve but worked out surprisingly well.
Ben W forged on with the Clearleft brand visuals, Graham was building the Silverback 3 site and Clare was busy booking in lots of research sessions for our project for Southampton Solent University.
Anna C, James B and Andy had a pitch with an international fashion brand in London, and Ben S and Andy T have been working away from the office a lot of the week in Southampton and London.
Next week, we'll see how we're all getting on with our New Years Resolutions.
Happy New Year.