The circle is now complete. The line-up for the third and final Responsive Day Out is all set.

I've been scheming behind the scenes to get one of my favourite speakers added to the roster, and now my dastardly scheme has paid off. I am absolutely thrilled to announce that Lyza Danger Gardner will be speaking at Responsive Day Out 3: The Final Breakpoint.

That means we've got a double-whammy from the trailblazers at Cloud Four with both Jason and Lyza speaking. With Jason diving deep into responsive images, that leaves Lyza free to zoom out and look at some of the big-picture implications of the work we do on the web.

To say that I'm excited to hear what she has to say would be an exercise in understatement. I am ridiculously excited about the whole day—seriously, in my emails to the speakers, I find myself using far more exclamation points than is healthy. Why, I might even have included an emoticon or two; that's how psyched I am.

If you've already got your ticket for a Responsive Day Out, well done you. If you haven't, what are you waiting for? Tickets are just £80+VAT—a bargain!

Get your ticket now and I'll see in Brighton on June 19th for a most excellent day of design, development, UX, performance, process, and everything else responsive-related.

This was originally posted on my own site.