Last year during Brighton Digital Festival we held another Karting event with great success. Sadly for us, yet again, reigning champions Make Media beat us to the top of the podium by a mere 6 seconds, but with such a fast-paced event 6 seconds is a lifetime.
This year the event returns on 8 September at Teamsport's Lancing track and we're running the event in association with Teamsport meaning it is only £99 + VAT to enter your team of 2-4 drivers. We know after last year selling out in just 5 days, this means it will be a quick registration period and we would really like to see you joining us on track, or off as spectators are welcome, in fact, last year Built By Buffalo brought a huge group of fans which really made the whole experience electric.
Win tickets to dConstruct
That's right, not only can you earn the title of champions, but this year we are giving away tickets for each driver of the winning team to dConstruct on 11 September at Brighton Dome.
Enter your team
To enter your team, contact Dee at Teamsport Brighton on 01252 732302, and tell her you're submitting a team for the event with Clearleft on 8 September.
Further information
You can find details about the event here: http://brighton-digital-karting.confetti.events/
And information about how to get to Teamsport Brighton (which is actually in Lancing) here: https://www.team-sport.co.uk/brighton/