In a little over a month we'll be moving home, although the doors are already open to the public.

With Brighton Digital Festival officially kicking off this weekend, 68 Middle Street is hosting a series of digital art exhibitions entitled The New Sublime. A lot of this week has seen Tessa and Sophie working with the builders, architects, electritions, carpenters and the team behind the exhibition to have everything ready. It's open every day to the end of September so go check it out.

Jeremy is back from America and talking at An Event Apart Chicago at the start of the week. If he daily travel blog has been anything to go by, I can tell he is boiling over with stories and ready to share.

But it will have to wait until pub time as there are important matters at hand. With dConstruct now precisely 7 days away, Kate has been focused on preparation for operation stickies which no doubt will be moving out of international waters and going into strike position, 09:00 Monday.

Alex, our current intern has been working on some updates and ideas for 68 Middle Street and adding some new editions to Fontdeck. She's poised and ready for laminates, t-shirts and other paraphernalia that will be heading her way next week.

Ben, Andy Dennis and Mikey visited The Wellcome Trust this week to talk about a top secret project and have returned with beaming faces. There is a diagram now on the wall which, to me looks like the first plumbers draft of the SS Enterprise. I don't know what's going on but it looks like it might be out to seek new life, or explore experiences never experienced before.

Today we've been treated to more Anna Debenham cakey goodness, this time in the form of Brownies. Anna is also working on another project with us at the The Wellcome Library.

Sprint One is at mid-point for The Holiday Place and all I can see left in the to do is testing, pretty, pretty, pretty good!

Mark has been developing routines for installing development environments on new machines which I took for a test run this week. We want to start getting all our environments to be consistent, especially now that we have more people with varying degrees of coding skills and a front-end dev team that is generally growing.

Along with this, Mark has also been working on updates for Prontotype, his own framework which we have been using for several projects lately; or variants of.

We're hoping to test this out on some internal projects over the next month.

Paul & Rich visited the Beeb this week.

Paul has been perfecting responsive emails for

Rich and I have been working on project plans for AgeUK which is really shaping up to be quite spectacular.

Ben has been gave us a walkthrough of his current talk in preparation for Dare, and I have been finishing up mine for UX Cambridge next week.

Mikey has been working on content for UX London 2014, which you'll be able to see soon.